
Oil pump taboo

  Oil pump is often used in daily production, and many places need to use the pump. However, when using the pump some attention to the place we must do so in order to ensure the normal work of the pump and the highest efficiency there is the longest life. Next Botou Taibang pump valve to tell you about the pump we need to pay attention to what the details.

1, in use, is strictly prohibited to add diesel oil to dilute the gear oil, and do not affect the start of winter and bake the rear axle, transmission, gear oil in order to avoid serious deterioration. If this situation should be replaced with low-viscosity multi-stage gear oil.
2, do not confuse the classification of oil and pump label. In order to avoid confusion in the calculation standard, a high classification grade is used for the gear oil and a low classification number is used for the engine oil. But for the old grade gear oil classification number lower. Should pay attention to the gear oil and engine oil viscosity grade is not linked, the same model can not be interoperable. Must not be used as the engine oil when the engine oil, or the engine will be burning tile, stick cylinder and sintering piston top and other serious accidents.
3, the rational use of oil pump is conducive to gear maintenance. Longer service life of gear oil, such as the use of single-stage oil, change the maintenance of the season with a different viscosity label. Release the old oil, such as less than the oil change period, you can add oil in the car again when used. Old oil should be properly kept, to prevent moisture, mechanical impurities and waste oil pollution.
4, timely oil change. Should be required to change oil indicators for the new oil, oil-free analysis, according to the provisions of the period of oil. Oil change, should be hot to release the old oil, and gear and gear box clean before adding new oil. Refueling, should prevent moisture and impurities mixed.
5, the amount of fuel should be appropriate. Oil pump should be appropriate, not too much can not be too little. Too much will not only increase the oil mixing resistance and fuel consumption, but also possible gear oil mixed by the rear axle housing into the brake drum (if the seal is bad) caused by brake failure; too little lubrication will lead to poor temperature is too high to accelerate gear wear, On the maintenance of gears adversely affected. Gear oil should generally be added to the lower edge of the fuel tank with the fuel tank flush, and should always check the gear tank leakage, and maintain the oil seal, liner intact.

